Install view
Old Jail Art Center, Cell Series press release:
Charis Ammon recognizes that she inherited a paved world. In her acceptance of this world, coupled with recently living in New York and prior to that Houston, she strives to discern beauty in this “concrete quilt” of a constructed environment. Based on her observations, her intimate paintings serve as more than just documentation of cracked or upheaved concrete, piles of debris, and records of never-ending repair. For Ammon, these observations and resulting works serve as metaphorical parallels to human psychological and physical behavior.
Much like the physical world, we construct our own realities and physical lives that are fallible and destined for damage or breakage, sometimes by no fault of our own. We, too, are constantly in a state of repair.
For the Cell Series, Ammon will present her paintings along with new quilted works. Though a very different approach to image making, the connections should be obvious.
[an interview can be seen on the OJAC website, which was printed in an exhibition catalog]
Inheritance II, 78 x 96 inches, repurposed clothing
Light in Rain, 5 x 7 inches, oil and copper pigment on canvas
A Stone in a Puddle, 5 x 7 inches, oil on canvas
Inheritance I, 80 x 96 inches, repurposed clothing
Dry Earth, 6 x 8 inches, oil on canvas
Blue Tarp, 5 x 7 inches, oil and copper pigment on canvas